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Chemistry and Its Branches

Chemistry is the science of substances - of their structure, their properties, and the reactions that change them into other substances.
The study of chemistry may be divided into the following branches:
- General chemistry, which is an introduction to the entire science.
- Qualitative analysis, giving the methods of testing  for the presence of chemical substances.
- Quantitative  analysis,  giving  the  methods  of  accurate  determination  of  the  amounts  of  different substances present in a sample of material.
- Inorganic chemistry, which is the chemistry of elements other than carbon, and their compounds.
- Organic chemistry, which is the chemistry of the compounds of carbon.
- Physical chemistry, which studies the quantitative relations among the properties of substances and their reactions.
- Biochemistry, which is the chemistry of the substances comprising living organisms.
- Structural chemistry, which deals with the molecular structure and its relation to the properties of substances.
- Radiochemistry,  which  is  the  chemistry  of  radioactive  elements  and  of  reactions  involving   the nuclei of atoms.
- Industrial chemistry, which is concerned with industrial processes.
Although  chemistry  is  a  very  large  and  complex  subject,  which  still  continues  to  grow  as  new elements are  discovered or  made, new  compounds are synthesized, and new principles are  formulated. The chemists or chemical engineers need to have some knowledge of all its branches, even if he may be specialized in a particular line.
Chemistry science cannot do without physics and mathematics, and is also closely linked to some other sciences, e.g. inorganic chemistry is linked closely to geology, mineralogy, and metallurgy, while organic chemistry is linked to biology in general.


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